Saturdays usually are good workout days. Lots of activity, followed by food and a powerful need for a nap.
- Class wod: dumbell snatches and strict handstand pushups
- (had to scale the SHSPU to off a box)
- Bonus activities with buddies
- deadlifts
- sled pushes
- bro pump time
- Lifting programming
- Split jerk with 2 second pause in dip
- 2 sets of 2 at 115 lbs
- 2 sets of 2 at 120 lbs
- 2 sets of 1 at 125 lbs
- Split jerk singles
- 130, 135, 140 lbs
- Split jerk with 2 second pause in dip
Those split jerks all went great. Lessons from the week on those:
- think of jumping from heels
- dip deep enough to get a good leg drive. (sometimes I do too tiny a dip)
- get low on the punch under
The snatch push press PR at 125 on Thrusday really helped me a lot here. After that, 125 lbs is no longer even close to scary. Indeed, even though the jerks came at the end of several hours of stuff, I wasn’t afraid of any of those loads.
Also I’ve been shying away from deadlifts because of some back issues that flare up from time to time. This is the magic that seems to be keeping my back in working order: